How to become sustainable? New perspectives for the transition of corporates and financial actors
In Europe, sustainable finance policy has been placing strong emphasis on the transparency of financial and economic actors on the one hand (disclosure and reporting regimes), and on the financing of the “green” part of the economy on the other (taxonomy, green bonds). Today, it appears that the transition efforts of banks and of companies, particularly in carbon-intensive sectors, need more support and guidance. The objective of this seminar is to inform you about the economic, regulatory and methodological levers that can facilitate the development and implementation of transition plans, possibly with net zero targets, in the private sector. Supporting the progress made by companies in emerging and developing countries to improve their ESG performance is also on the agenda. In each of the planned sessions, there will be sufficient time to allow you to ask questions to the speakers.
- The PATH framework of the European Investment Bank: Supporting counterparties on their pathways to align with the Paris Agreement - Monica Pena Sastre (EIB)
- The Federal Holding and Investment Company’s approach (SFPI-FPIM) - Martin de Brabant (SFPI-FPIM)
- The approach of the Belgian Investment Company for Developing Countries (BIO) - Ben Jehaes (BIO)
- Q&A
- Prudential transition plans in the context of EU capital requirements for banks - Brenda Van Tendeloo (NBB)
- Climate transition plans in the context of the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive - Dan Dionisie (DG JUST) (TBC)
- Q&A
- How to support the credibility of transition plans in the most climate-impacting and vulnerable sectors, including in EMDCs ? - Valentina Bellesi (OECD)
- The role of European sustainability reporting standards (ESRS) - NN (TBC)
- The role of banking supervisors - Jens van’t Klooster (Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment)
- Achieving a transition finance framework in the EU - Pietro Cesaro and Tsvetelina Kuzmanova (E3G)
- Q&A