Introduction UN Sustainable Development Goals
What are the SDGs and why are they important for governments, local authorities, organisations and companies?
CIFAL Flanders and the City of Antwerp welcome you for a UN City Hall Talk on Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development.
Join and learn about the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, with insights of the City of Antwerp.
16:00 Registration
16:30 Welcome - Ludo Van Campenhout, Vice Mayor City of Antwerp
16:45 Introduction on Agenda 2030 for sustainable development: the UN SDGs - Peter Wollaert, Managing Director CIFAL Flanders & UNITAR Fellow
17:15 Localising sustainable development: Stadslab2050 in Antwerp - Gert Vandermosten, Project Leader Stadslab2050 (TBC)
17:45 Q&A
18:30 Network Drink