UN Day Flanders
On Monday 24 October 2016, CIFAL Flanders|UNITAR hosts the United Nations Day Flanders, celebrating the 71st anniversary of the United Nations, at the Flemish Parliament, Leuvenseweg 86 in Brussels.
13:30 Welcome coffee and meet & greet at United Nations Agencies Marketplace
15:00 Keynote speech Geert Bourgeois, Minister-president, Flemish Government
15:15 UN HIGH LEVEL PANEL: Agenda 2030 and the Legacy of Ban Ki-moon
- Claire Courteille-Mulder, Director, International Labour Organisation (ILO) for the European Union and the Benelux countries
- Christophe Yvetot, Head, UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Liaison Office to the European Union, Belgium and Luxembourg
- Laura Palatini, Director, International Organization for Migration, Belgium and Luxembourg
- Bénédicte Frankinet, Ambassador, Former Representative of Belgium to the UN
16:30 Intermezzo: Ozark Henry, National Goodwill Ambassador against human trafficking, Blue Heart Campaign
16:45 Keynote speech Jan Peumans, Chairman, Flemish Parliament
1 Year Agenda 2030: Implementation of the SDGs in Flanders
- Ilse Dries, Team Sustainable Development Flemish Government
- Luc Martens, Association of Flemish Cities and Municipalities (VVSG)
- Hans Maertens, Flanders’ Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Voka)
5 Years UN Guiding Principles on Business & Human Rights
- Hélène de Bock, Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Dieter Vander Beke, Federal Institute for Sustainable Development
- Liliana Lizarazo-Rodriguez, University of Antwerp
15 Years UN Global Compact: Children’s Rights and Business Principles
- David Leyssens, The Shift & Global Compact Belgium
- Lieselotte Callebaut, UNICEF Belgium
- Bruno Vanobbergen, Flemish Children’s Rights Commission
New UNESCO trust fund agreement with Flemish Government
- Stijn D’Hert, Flemish Commission for UNESCO
- Ruth Lamotte, Flemish Government Department of Education
UNU-CRIS: The Interaction between Science and Governance regarding the SDGs: Towards a Global Science Diplomacy
- Luk van Langenhove & Stephen Kingah, United Nations University Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies (UNU-CRIS)
- Tomas Baum, Flemish Peace Institute
UN HABITAT III: Debriefing Quito-conference on Sustainable Urban Development
- Frédéric Saliez, UN-HABITAT
- Joris Scheers, Flemish Government
- Leo Van Broeck, Flemish Government Architect (Vlaams Bouwmeester)
UN at 71: Legacy of Ban Ki-moon and future challenges United Nations System
- Christophe Verhellen, United Nations Regional Information Centre (UNRIC)
- Nerie Sybesma-Knol, United Nations Association Flanders Belgium (VVN)
18:30 Networking Drink