How to avoid greenwashing?

Een vuile pinokio met een groen masker op z'n neus

Since consumers attach greater importance to the sustainability of products, businesses have to pay more attention to communicating the environmental impact of their products. But how can consumers trust the reliability of sustainability claims and the massive amount of ecolabels? In 2020 the European Commission found that over 50% of claims were vague, misleading or unfounded and 40% unsubstantiated.

To protect consumers against greenwashing, promote transparent environmental claims and make producers and consumers focus more on the durability of goods, the European Commission has adopted the Greenwashing Directive (Directive Empowering Consumers for the Green Transition through Better Protection against Unfair Practices and Better Information) and put forward the Green Claims Directive. Both directives will work in tandem.

The Greenwashing Directive amends the Unfair Commercial Practices Directive and provides stricter rules on greenwashing and the early obsolescence of goods. It also prohibits specific claims, such as carbon-neutral claims. The Green Claims Directive requires companies to substantiate their green claims through a comprehensive assessment and obtain prior approval before communicating a green claim. Both directives introduce stricter rules for environmental labels.

Through this master class, you will:

  • gain insights into the complementary scope of the Greenwashing Directive and the Green Claims Directive;
  • understand how to implement the new rules and avoid greenwashing in practice;
  • know when an environmental claim is/is not greenwashing through examples and case studies.

Register online before 30/05/204.

Target audience

Professionals involved in B2C sustainability communication, including, but not limited to: marketing and communication professionals, ESG professionals, CSR Managers, Chief Sustainability Officers, Sustainability Managers, Sustainability Consultants, lawyers, and corporate lawyers.




€ 250


6 juni 2024, 09:30 - 13:30


KU Leuven Kulak of online
Etienne Sabbelaan 53
room B422
8500 Kortrijk

Organised by

Postuniversitair Centrum KU Leuven

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