Green in House
Green in House defines how we create entertainment, engage audiences and respect the environment by offering accessible house music, unique show and green interactions to our community through pop-up events. Understanding that today’s actions will impact future life and concerned about the monotony of current underground events, Green in House changes the way how to entertain people. In a nutshell, we want to offer you the possibility of having a positive impact through music.
We’re taking this whole culture of dark underground music and shifting it towards an accessible, joyful and colorful atmosphere.
Our purpose is to raise awareness about climate change and all the sh*t human is currently doing. More than just being an example or offsetting our CO2 emissions, we allow you to change by experimenting environmentally friendly habits while enjoying your party.
Forget the common parties. We are not party organizers. We are entertainment creators. Our decoration, our actors and the interactions will make you part of the game. Everything is a game.
Green in House defines how we create entertainment, engage audiences and respect the environment by offering accessible house music, unique show and green interactions to our community through pop-up events. Understanding that today’s actions will impact future life and concerned about the monotony of current underground events, Green in House changes the way how to entertain people. In a nutshell, we want to offer you the possibility of having a positive impact through music.
We’re taking this whole culture of dark underground music and shifting it towards an accessible, joyful and colorful atmosphere.
Our purpose is to raise awareness about climate change and all the sh*t human is currently doing. More than just being an example or offsetting our CO2 emissions, we allow you to change by experimenting environmentally friendly habits while enjoying your party.
Forget the common parties. We are not party organizers. We are entertainment creators. Our decoration, our actors and the interactions will make you part of the game. Everything is a game.
Avenue Armand Huysmans 28
1050 Bruxelles