Networking Event RE:VIVE - Making the circular economy happen

De voertaal van dit event is Engels. Er wordt geen simultaanvertaling aangeboden.

Your company has many opportunities to benefit from extending the lifetime of products and materials by Reuse and Repair to Refurbishment and Remanufacturing! Come and be inspired to make the circular economy happen in your industry!

Join us on Friday December 1st for our event RE:VIVE, a unique networking event, with stakeholders from all Belgian regions and across sectors to share insights on how to successfully extend the lifetime of products and materials, by Remanufacturing, Refurbishment, Repair and Reuse.


| 09:30 Registration & Coffee
| 10:30 Introduction & International keynote speakers

| 12:00 Networking lunch
| 13:00 Breakout sessions: 3 blocks with 4 parallel thematic tracks: for each block, you can select 1 track.

| 15:00 Conclusions
| 15:30 Networking drink and matchmaking


Free of charge, but registration is mandatory.


1 december 2023, 10:30 - 18:00


AG Campus
17 rue du Pont-Neuf
1000 Brussel

Organised by


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